Due to the wet winter we’ve experienced here in Tucson, the stage is set for crane flies to make their appearance sooner than later. In this blog, we will take a closer look at these mosquito relatives and explain what it means for property owners.

crane fly in tucson arizona

But first, what are crane flies?

Identifiable by their long, thin legs, crane flies make up a large family – Tipulidae – in the order Diptera, or true flies. Harmless to humans but an essential component of the eco-system, crane flies spend about 95% of their life in the larval stage eating leaves, plants, and other small bits of organic material in soil or water bodies where they live. In simpler terms, they aid in recycling and decomposition. Once they become adults, that changes though and they spend most of their time searching for a mate and laying eggs.

When do crane flies show up in Tucson?

With the wet winter we’ve had, it’s very likely we’ll start seeing crane flies emerge when temperatures begin to increase.

There’s no need to be concerned if crane flies show up on your property

While crane flies are harmless to humans, they can sometimes be a nuisance. Crane flies are attracted to outdoor lights, which can prove bothersome for homeowners.

Does Northwest Exterminating treat crane flies?

Crane flies are flying pests and as such are not covered by our home pest control plans. However, our pest control specialists do treat the walls around light fixtures when they service our customers' homes and this will help prevent these flies from gathering around outdoor lighting.

What Tucson property owners can do to discourage crane flies

There are a few preventative measures you can implement to make your property less appealing to crane flies.

  • Keep your lawn well-maintained and free of excessive thatch
  • Swap your outdoor light bulbs to yellow lights that are less attractive to the flies
  • Repair or replace screens that are ripped or torn

Contact Northwest Exterminating if you start noticing other pests on your property this month

As the weather warms up, crane flies aren’t the only pests Southern Arizona property owners are going to start seeing. In fact, it won’t be long before ants and other house-infesting pests become more of a problem in and around homes.

Superior pest protection for Tucson homes

In order to keep nuisance and potentially destructive pests out, Northwest Exterminating offers effective and ongoing home pest control services in Tucson and Phoenix. With a few plans to choose from, we’re confident there’s a solution for every home, no matter the pests or budget. Compare our plans below or give us a call to discuss your pest problem!

Defense Plan
What's included:
  • Year-Round Pest Protection
  • 4 Seasonal Services
  • General Pest Control
  • Free Re-Treat Service
  • SMART Monitoring System For Rodents
  • Termite Monitoring
  • Termite Baiting System
What's included:
  • Year-Round Pest Protection
  • 4 Seasonal Services
  • General Pest Control
  • Free Re-Treat Service
  • SMART Monitoring System For Rodents
  • Termite Monitoring
  • Termite Baiting System
SMARTDefense Complete
What's included:
  • Year-Round Pest Protection
  • 4 Seasonal Services
  • General Pest Control
  • Free Re-Treat Service
  • SMART Monitoring System For Rodents
  • Termite Monitoring
  • Termite Baiting System
**initial fees may apply