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Is Your Home Being Haunted By Rodents?

October is the month for spooky costumes and decorations, and all that spookiness can make you start listening to every noise in your house. When you begin to hear mysterious sounds, don't worry. Those aren't the sounds of ghostly visitors. They are more likely rodents.

homeowner scared by rodent noises at night

Haunting sounds rodents make

As Halloween approaches, your imagination might run wild with thoughts of ghosts and ghouls—and some of the noises in your home might make you think it's haunted, particularly if rats and mice are making the noises. Here are a few of the creepy and mysterious sounds rodents make:

  • Scratching
    The most common sound people hear when rats or mice get in is the faint sound of scratching or rustling inside a wall. These noises are often so faint that residents wonder if they're imagining them. A common cause of rodents scratching inside walls is nest building. They gather insulation and other materials and move them around in a wall void as they construct nests. You may also hear a rodent scratching as it climbs through your walls to reach your attic, but that is not a subtle sound.
  • Bumping
    They are likely rats or mice when things go bump in the night. Rats are particularly common nighttime bumpers in attic spaces. They scale the exterior of Arizona homes and slip right up through gaps in roof tiles. Once inside, they bump around as they search for food and nesting materials in storage boxes or furniture.
  • Squeaking
    Rats and mice often communicate with utterings. If you have mice in your attic or wall voids, you might hear their high-pitched squeaks from a distance.
  • Gnawing
    Rats and mice are rodents; as all rodents do, they chew. The noises they make while gnawing may sound strange. Fear not if you hear a grinding sound that seems a bit sinister. It's just a rodent.
  • Scraping
    Rats and mice use their claws to scrape on building materials to make small holes larger. They may also gnaw on anything they can find, adding to the sound. These sounds are constant for a short time and intermittent over a longer period. They can easily make you think you're hearing something—or losing your mind.
  • Scurrying
    When rats and mice infest, it’s common to hear the unsettling sound of scurrying in the walls. It’s the eerie pitter-patter of tiny feet (actually, it’s paws, but we digress) – like something is creeping through the house, just out of sight. Although it’s not a ghostly presence darting around in the dark, it can make property owners uncomfortable.

When you hear haunted sounds, don't call the Ghost Busters. Call the Northwest Exterminating team. We will inspect your home, determine what is making noises, and then get to work eliminating the problem.

How to keep rodents from haunting your home

If you’re not hearing mysterious sounds in your house and want to keep it that way, fall is still a great time to start thinking about rodent exclusions. It is always best to get in front of rat and mouse problems. Here are a few tips to stop rodents before they start making haunted noises in your home:

  • Seal entry points
    Rodents are experts at squeezing through even the smallest openings. Inspect the exterior of your home and seal any gaps, cracks, or holes in your foundation, roof, or walls. Please pay close attention to the doors, windows, utility lines, and roof tile gaps discussed earlier.
  • Trim vegetation
    Overgrown trees, bushes, and shrubs provide easy access for rodents to climb onto your roof. They also provide cover when rodents search for low entry points. Keep all plants trimmed back at least a few feet from your home's exterior (top to bottom).
  • Store food properly
    Rodents are always on the hunt for food, and your kitchen could be a Halloween feast waiting to happen. Consider storing all food, including pet food, in airtight containers. Clean up crumbs and spills quickly, and avoid leaving food out overnight.
  • Eliminate clutter
    Cluttered areas like attics, garages, and closets offer perfect hiding places for rodents. Decluttering these areas and storing items in sealed plastic bins can deter rodents from nesting in your home.
  • Check vents
    Your attic and crawl space are prime real estate for rodents looking to nest in your home. Ensure that vents are properly screened and that any gaps are sealed up.
  • Address water sources
    Rodents need water for survival, so make sure there aren't any leaking pipes, standing water, or puddles around your home. Keeping your home dry and well-maintained will make it less appealing to these unwanted visitors.


When to call in pest control professionals

It is time to act if you're already hearing strange sounds in your walls or attic. Rodents can cause significant damage to your home, from chewing on wires to contaminating your living spaces with droppings. Contact Northwest Exterminating for effective rodent control in Phoenix, Tucson, and Southern Arizona. We also offer home pest control plans that include digital rodent monitoring!

If you aren't hearing strange sounds, contact us to help you keep it that way. In addition to specializing in rodent control, Northwest Exterminating offers exclusion services. Our experienced technicians will inspect your home, identify potential entry points, and provide customized solutions to protect your home from rodents, scorpions, and other desert-loving pests.

Whether you're already hearing haunted sounds or want to prevent rodents from ever making their way inside, we're here to help. Don't let rodents turn your home into a haunted house this fall. Contact Northwest Exterminating today to schedule an inspection and protect it from these pesky invaders.

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‟I bought a home, sight unseen (I trusted a VA inspector) in rural Cochise County, AZ.
After moving in I quickly discovered that the home was INFESTED with vermin and BROWN RECLUSE SPIDERS!

NW Exterminating installed ‘Desert Guard’ and that took care of ALL of the vermin, and, after a few treatments of Spider Power-Dusting in my crawl space I am free of dangerous spiders!

Dave K.
Cochise County, AZ
Northwest Exterminating received an average rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars from 586 reviews. 4.6 Read Google Reviews

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