Start The New Year Off Right With These Pest Prevention Tips
It's a new year and a new chance to get started off on the right foot with pest control. We want to help. That's why we've put together this quick pest prevention guide. As your Southern Arizona pest control experts, we have lots of experience dealing with pests in our region of the country. Today, we'll share some of our best tips to help you usher in the new year and get going in the right direction with your home pest control.

5 tips to slow pests down
There are many things that naturally attract pests and invite them into your yard. Pests follow these things like breadcrumbs all the way to the exterior of your home. If you know what spiders, bugs, and rodents are looking for on your property, you may be able to remove them and slow pests down.
- Install light fixtures that detect motion. Insects are attracted to light. Keeping lights off will reduce the number of insects in your yard.
- Remove clutter to deter rats and mice. These rodents have poor eyesight and use their sense of touch to help them navigate. An open and clutter-free yard helps to keep rodents away.
- Remove wood scraps, sticks, and other wood debris. Many pests crawl around on wood and are attracted to wooded environments.
- Get control of lawn weeds. Long before ants and other pests get to your landscape vegetation, they feed off nectar and plant sap from the weeds in your lawn.
- Get a year-round home pest control service plan for routine pest treatments to reduce insect and rodent activity in your yard.
If you don't want pests in your home, you'll want to make their journey through your yard boring, uneventful, and unrewarding, or target and reduce their populations.
5 tips to reduce pests in your landscaping
When you reduce insects in the vegetation near your home, it has many benefits. First, reducing one kind of bug will reduce the bugs that come to eat them. Second, fewer bugs exploring your exterior will result in fewer bugs finding their way into your home. Third, some bugs make your landscaping unsightly by making webs or damaging plants. Use these tips to deter pests:
- Remove spider webs and wipe down surfaces. Doing this will deter web creation. It can also reduce spider populations if you crush any egg sacs you find.
- Clean your gutters and repair any areas of your gutter system that are damaged. Working gutters help prevent oversaturation of perimeter soil and vegetation, which can attract pest activity.
- Trim your plants and remove grass, weeds, and other unwanted vegetation. An open landscape is free of high humidity, which can lead to plant disease and pest activity.
- Consider removing bird feeders. Seeds provide a food source for many animals, not just birds.
- Get a year-round pest control service plan for routine pest maintenance around the exterior of your home, such as spider web removal and spot treatments in your landscaping.
If you want to keep pests out of your home, it pays to have fewer bugs and rodents crawling around in the vegetation that runs along the side of your home.
5 tips to keep pests out of your home
When bugs and rodents explore your exterior, there are steps you can take to keep them out. There are also methods that work to reduce the chance of entry. Here's what you need to know.
- Keep trash receptacles away from your exterior doors. Flies and other pests are attracted to the scent of your trash and can enter your home easily if your receptacles are near your doors.
- Keep lights off in your entryways until you need them. Many pests, including flies and wasps, are attracted to light. They can enter your home when you open your doors.
- Seal entry points to keep scorpions and other pests out. Any gap or hole can allow pests to enter. Use expanding foam to create a barrier.
- Replace weatherstripping and door sweeps. Your weatherproofing materials don't just keep the hot Arizona heat out; they keep pests out too.
- Use rodent guards to keep rats and mice from getting on your roof and finding a way inside. They use pipes, power lines, tree branches, and more.
When it comes to battling pests, remember that you're never alone. Your Northwest Exterminating team is here to help. We offer home pest control service plans to help you keep pests out all year long.
Low stress & great results
There is no easier way to maintain a pest-free home than to get routine and targeted pest treatments for your home. Northwest Exterminating offers three great ways to keep pests out. We also offer Desert Guard a rodent and pest exclusion plan designed to thwart the pests trying to crawl their way inside.
Connect with us today to learn more and to select a plan that will help you target these pests you want to target. We're here to help.
- Year-Round Pest Protection
- 4 Seasonal Services
- General Pest Control
- Free Re-Treat Service
- SMART Monitoring System For Rodents
- Termite Monitoring
- Termite Baiting System
- Year-Round Pest Protection
- 4 Seasonal Services
- General Pest Control
- Free Re-Treat Service
- SMART Monitoring System For Rodents
- Termite Monitoring
- Termite Baiting System
- Year-Round Pest Protection
- 4 Seasonal Services
- General Pest Control
- Free Re-Treat Service
- SMART Monitoring System For Rodents
- Termite Monitoring
- Termite Baiting System

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Pest Solutions For Homes & Businesses
Northwest Exterminating provides pest control services in the Phoenix metro and Tucson, as well as throughout Southern Arizona, that target pests found in our region's unique desert environment. We promise personalized service and state-of-the-art techniques for all your exterminating needs.
Any Pest, On Time, Guaranteed.