What do boxelder bugs look like?
Adult boxelder bugs grow to up to 1/2 inch in length. They have distinctive red and orange markings on their wings and specialized mouthparts for feeding. Immature box elder bugs are bright red in color, are smaller than adults, and do not have developed wings.
When are boxelder bugs most active?
Life cycle of boxelder bugs
Gradual Metamorphosis
After overwintering, the females and males will feed for about two weeks prior to mating. The female will then lay eggs in cracks and crevices in the tree bark. The nymphs that hatch are bright red and will complete 5 molts (instars) prior to reaching the adult stage which takes about 60 days.
The adults will have fully developed wing pads and wings. Two generations will occur from spring to fall.
Habits of boxelder bugs
- Diet: Sap from female boxelder trees, see, foliage and twigs. Will also feed on maple, pear and ash trees.
- Activity: Will live in clusters and migrate in large groups that often overwhelm homeowners.
- Preferred Climate: Warmer temperatures from spring to early fall.
- Defense: Dark markings on wings
- Cautions: Some species may stain interior of home with excrement
- Home Invasion: Will enter homes in fall for shelter for overwintering. Travel in large clusters many times.
Are boxelder bugs dangerous?
No, boxelder bugs do not transmit disease. They are considered nuisance pests that do not sting. They are not generally known to bite, but there are rare reports of defensive biting.
Where do boxelder bugs nest?
Boxelder bugs do not infest homes year-round, but rather enter structures in the fall in order to find overwintering shelter.
Helpful hints related to boxelder bugs
To stop boxelder bugs from infesting and overwintering in your home, we recommend the following pest prevention tips:
- Seal entry points that, if left unaddressed, would allow access into the interior of the home
- Remove all food sources including boxelder trees from the yard
- Apply product to the south side of the home or fence lines where these bugs rest in the fall for warmth
Interesting facts about boxelder bugs
Boxelder bugs will fly as far as two miles from their original harborage point.
How do you get rid of boxelder bugs?
If you're finding boxelder bugs in your home or trying to get inside, reach out to Northwest Exterminating for help today! Our locally operated pest control team offers pest control services that stop these occasional invaders from settling in over the winter.

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