What do German cockroaches look like?
German cockroaches are light tan to brown in color and have dark, parallel lines running from the backs of their heads to their wings. They have wings, but do not fly.
When are german cockroaches most active?
Life cycle of German cockroaches
Gradual metamorphosis
Egg cases (oothecae) are attached to female abdomens for 28 to 30 days. The ootheca case is 1/4 to 3/8 inch long and holds 30 to 40 eggs. The female will deposit the egg case one to two days prior to the eggs hatching. Immature forms (nymphs) emerge and develop into adult forms in 1-1/2 to 4 months.
Nymphs will molt approximately seven times in 60 days before becoming an adult. Females produce 4-5 oothecae during their lifetime of approximately 200 days. German cockroaches carry more eggs per case than other cockroach species.
Their immatures complete growth in a shorter period of time, which makes it possible to have three to four generations per year.
Habits of German cockroaches
- Diet: Anything including meats and grease, starches, sweets, leather, wallpaper paste, bookbinding and sizing.
- Activity: Nocturnal
- Preferred Climate: Humid/Warm
- Defense: Speed and ability to hide in tight spaces
- Cautions: Cockroaches have been linked to human illnesses including allergies, food poisoning, dysentery, diarrhea, and childhood asthma. Fecal smears leave pheromone attracting others to food sources. Venture no more than 5 feet from their harbor site.
- Home Invasion: Primarily found indoors in kitchens and bathrooms especially near appliances, water sources and any type of food. Will go outside during warm seasons. Spotting fecal pellets or fecal smears, egg cases, caste skins or smelling an identifiable odor can be a sign of cockroach infestations.
Are German cockroaches dangerous?
Yes, German cockroaches should be considered dangerous to human health as they are linked to illnesses, allergies, food poisoning, dysentery, and diarrhea. They are also known to trigger asthma especially in children and the elderly.
Where do German cockroaches nest?
German cockroach infestations are often discovered in areas where the humidity and temperature is high.
Helpful hints for German cockroaches
To prevent infestations of German cockroaches, our local pest control team recommends the following pest prevention tips:
- Maintain regular and thorough sanitation practices
- Eliminate all water sources that could attract these roaches
- Sign up for ongoing pest control services to keep German cockroaches out
An interesting fact about German cockroaches
Of the types of cockroaches found in Arizona, German roaches are the ones most often found in homes.
How do you get rid of German cockroaches?
At the first sign of a German cockroach infestation, contact Northwest Exterminating! Available in Phoenix, Tucson, and throughout Southern Arizona, our home pest control services and commercial pest solutions are designed to exterminate cockroaches.

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